For users to store Verifiable Credentials and authenticity protected email and documents on their phones.
A wallet for your mobile phone, compatible with most Self-Sovereign Identity solutions and Verifiable Credentials, but with the added bonus of storing your authenticity protected emails and documents. Available for iOS and Android, fully Open Source, and ready to be used as the basis for special use cases. Vereign Wallet is the perfect companion for your local Node or Vault deployment.

Building on Wallet
You can build on Vereign Wallet without the need for licenses or permissions. It is fully Open Source, and maintained by a community of contributors as the "Personal Credential Manager" (PCM) in the Eclipse Foundation. But you can also let us know about your plans and requirements, and we will be happy to support you. As lead developers and key contributors to the PCM, we are uniquely familiar with the stack and will gladly help you achieve your goals in the most efficient way possible.
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