Strategic technology partnership to develop joint solutions: totemo Invests in Blockchain Start-up Vereign
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Mon May 04 2020
Kusnacht, 5 May 2020 – totemo, a leading provider of secure electronic communication in business environments, enters into a strategic technology partnership with Vereign. The start-up, based in the so-called Crypto Valley in Zug, develops solutions for authenticity in the digital world using Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT). Various joint projects are planned; the first solution will be launched this year. Dario Perfettibile, CEO of totemo, is appointed to the board of directors of Vereign.
- totemo participates financially and operationally in the Swiss start-up Vereign in the scope of a technology partnership
- The first joint solution will already be available to customers in the course of the year
- Dario Perfettibile, CEO of totemo, is appointed to the Vereign Board of Directors
The technology start-up has been developing innovative solutions for the protection of digital privacy in corporate and private communications since 2017. Vereign protects users against phishing and identity theft, enables electronic signatures of important documents and protects personal data.
The partnership gives totemo access to technological innovations that ideally complement its own solutions for secure electronic communication. Marcel Mock, CTO and co-founder of totemo, explains:
“We have defined several use cases with Vereign where our customers benefit from the combination of the respective technologies. The first joint project aims to make email even more secure for companies and also to enhance email with additional benefits. We look forward to offering our customers new, innovative solutions in the course of this year”.
Strategic and operational cooperation
In the course of the cooperation, Dario Perfettibile, CEO of totemo, will receive a seat on the Vereign Board of Directors. This allows totemo to directly support the start-up with its marketing and sales experience and provides Vereign with access to corporate customers.
“Vereign and totemo are a great match. We are happy to contribute our almost 20 years of experience as an IT security provider. In return, we look forward to exciting new features for our portfolio: firstly, of course, by means of the blockchain, but also by focusing more strongly on B2C, that is, the secure electronic communication of companies with private customers. We see great potential for the development of new fields of business and our sustainable corporate growth”, says Dario Perfettibile, summarizing his expectations of the cooperation.
Claus Bressmer, CEO of Vereign, adds:
“totemo is a strategic technology investor for us, the cooperation opens up new target audiences and – in combination with the solutions of our partner – additional fields of application for our technologies. As a start-up, we benefit from totemo’s experience and market access, while bringing innovation and new impetus”.
Additional information
Please find a press release about the closing of the latest financing round by Vereign here.
About totemo
The Swiss software company totemo ag offers solutions for the secure exchange of business information. totemo protects email communication and file transfer through encryption, placing special emphasis on maximum user-friendliness – naturally also on mobile devices. The patented and FIPS 140-2-validated totemo security platform enables seamless and quick integration into any existing IT infrastructure.
Around the world, more than 3.5 million users in 1,500 companies and organizations across all industries, including major corporations, rely on totemo’s security solutions. The company was founded in 2001 and is based in Küsnacht near Zurich.
For more information see: www.totemo.com
About Vereign
“Verified & Sovereign – Vereign” – the name reflects the philosophy of Vereign AG, which was founded in Zug in 2017. The Swiss company is among the most innovative start-ups in recent years and was nominated for an audience award in 2019 at the Digital Economy Award of the industry association swissICT.
The core of Vereign’s solution is a digital identity, which makes the user sovereign over his own data and interactions. The identity is verified by third parties, for example as part of existing e-IDs or KYC (Know Your Customer) processes carried out by banks. An audit trail that is impossible to falsify thanks to Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) ensures that the identity is protected against misuse.
The solution gives integrity and authenticity to a wide range of digital interactions, starting with email, the world’s most important communication protocol, and e-signing of documents according to eIDAS/ZertES. Integrated with Office365/Outlook, Gmail and LibreOffice, Vereign can be used immediately to enhance existing communication channels.
For more information see: www.vereign.com