Vereign @ GXFS Connect 2022
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Fri Sep 09 2022
7. - 8. September 2022
Dr. Felix Greve, our COO, was delighted to participate at the GXFS Connect 2022: Von der Idee zur Innovation mit Gaia-X». This German speaking event took place 7 and 8 September in Berlin.
Around 500 people were on-site or joined the livestream as the key actors behind Gaia-X gathered. Among the speakers were high-ranking officials from the economy and government. It was extremely encouraging for us at Vereign to see what innovations are made possible with the hard work we put into key components for the overall SSI software stack. Also it was very satisfying to see that political officials of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs (BMWK) took it on themselves to attend and appreciate the organization, use cases and the technology behind it.
Just weeks ago we concluded the first implementation phase of the Organizational and Personal Credential Manager just as well as the necessary Trust Services (https://gitlab.com/gaia-x/data-infrastructure-federation-services). These previously missing SSI key functionalities were highly anticipated and appreciated by the technical community. A special moment for us was when even the official representatives of the German ministry mentioned, they heard that the code quality is very good.
We strongly believe in data sovereignty, to see how our contributions are enabling the mission of GAIA-X in an actual real-world SSI ecosystem is at the core of our company values and goals.
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